Friday, January 28, 2011

Mook of the Week

The latest Mook of the Week award goes to Nova Scotia Premier Darrell Dexter.

Proving that an NDP government can be just as bad, or even worse, than a Tory or Liberal government he continues to show his stupidity. The latest idiocy sees the Dexter regime asking the Federal government to take $47 Million out of a money being given to Nova Scotia for infrastructure spending and putting it toward the building of a new convention centre in Halifax. That isn't even counting the over $200 Million in Provincial and Municipal money that would be spent as well.

The Federal money is slated to be used for roads and the building of community centres across the Province. Instead Mr. Dexter wants to use it to build a convention centre that is not really needed in Halifax. The convention centres that currently exist aren't being fully utilized and this twit wants to spend OUR money on building another one.

The money would be better spent on the infrastructure it is meant for as well as on Health Care and Education. Nova Scotia needs more long term care spaces for the elderly, hospital facilities, doctors and nurses. The Education budget in Nova Scotia is going to be cut 22%. Yet Dexter wants to pump money into a convention centre that isn't needed.

After expense scandals, donation scandals, and bullshit like this convention centre the Dippers have proven they are no better, and in some ways worse, than the other parties. As the leader of the NDP Mr. Dexter has show how much of a hypocrite he and his party is.

Mr. Dexter, you sir, are a political mook, and if I start a mook of the Month or Year category you will definitely be a front runner.

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