Monday, March 28, 2011

What the ... Things You Don't Say??!?!?

I was talking some friends about the idiot making the weight comment Saturday morning. We started talking about some of the stupid things we have heard people say that they didn't need to. Whether they were right or just rude they should have kept it to themselves.

One friend, S, was at a funeral Friday. A friend's son had committed suicide. S's mother died 4 weeks ago and was buried 3 weeks ago so that is still raw with her. Someone she knew at the funeral looked at her and said "At least your mother was 78 when she died." What a mook. I know what they meant, "Your mother lived a full life." because the funeral was for a 16 year old ... BUT ... you just don't need to say it, especially there and that close to her mother's death.

S went on to relate an incident at the hospital while her mother was comatose just before the end. She comes from a big Italian family so there were kids, grandkids, uncles, aunts, cousins visiting. A group of them were there to sit by her bed and a nurse walks in. She says "What? There is a party and I wasn't invited?"

S said her one of her brothers lost it and kicked the nurse out of the room. Then complained to the head nurse and said he didn't want that woman near his mother again. I can't say that I blame him.

It reminded me of the morning my father died. He died in his bed with family around him. A nurse was around for nights just in case. Dad wasn't dead a minute when this ditz says "What a beautiful death." I know what she meant, he died surrounding by family that loved him, but you just don't need to say that at taht moment. One of my sister-in-laws got her out of the room and the house.

Kind of like my Korean friend who walked up to a guy and said "You are black. You are a nigger." Leaving the racist aspect of it out do you really have to tell someone what colour their skin is?

When young kids make similar comments it easy to excuse them, and use at as a chance to teach them something, because at their age they don't know any better. These kind of mooks are adults and SHOULD know better.

Some people just don't think. They are mooks and stupidity is universal. They might have meant well. It might have seemed funny to them. But they just don't need to make their comments and 9 times out of 10 it was only funny to them.

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