Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Another one bites the dust.

It is official, I officially missed out on yet another job because of the length of time it takes to get the Criminal Background Check with fingerprints done. This one with a government department that supposedly has their own "security office" that can expedite the check. Or so I was told over a month ago when the HR person said they could do it in at least 2 weeks. I don't know of many employers who want to wait 4 months to fill a position they need filled in a few weeks to a month. None I have looked for work from.

Now don't get me wrong, I think the check is a good idea. It is how it is being done that is wrong. There is just no reason I can think of in this day and age that it should take four bloody months for my fingerprints to be compared with those of an offender that shares my birthday. A couple of weeks I could understand but four months? That is insane.

The Harper Government set up the new rules without making sure a check could be done in a timely fashion. So basically if you have the same gender and birthday of someone on a criminal offender list you have to prove your innocence. You have to PAY to prove your innocence! So much for innocent until proven guilty, or the police proving your guilt or innocence. You have to pay to prove it. So much for the justice system in Canada.

It is kind of funny in a sick twisted way. Innocent people are screwed out of work because of these new rules yet Harper has convicted criminals working for him. Convicted criminals like Bruce Carson who actually got clearance to work in the Prime Minister's Office.

So, do I waste my time trying to find a job in the field I want when this check will leave me screwed over every time? Or do I say a hearty Fuck You to Canada and go elsewhere to find work? The way I feel right now a hearty FU is building up.


  1. Wouldn't everyone share a birthday with someone who has committed a crime?!

  2. Probably. If they are on an offenders list and you need a criminal background check with Vulnerable Sector Search ... you are damned to a 3-4 month wait. Which means kiss the job goodbye.
